Product Application


Central heating that consists of a boiler and radiators is one of the most common heating systems used in Europe and the U.S. for houses that do not have district heating. Boiler supplies space heating, domestic hot water, or both. To ensure users safety, comfort and heating efficiency, NTC temperature sensors in the boiler measures water temperature or combustion temperature for best heating control. Temperature sensors usually are placed at different points in boilers detecting temperature of flow and return pipes, of domestic hot water outlet, and of flue gas. THINKING offers NTC temperature sensors with various mounting features to fit different boiler and heating system application requirements.

1. NTC Temperature Sensor for Boilers
Immersion Type

THINKING offers a series of immersion type temperature sensors that are suitable for direct contact in the water flow or flue gases. The immersion type sensors can meet various temperature measurement and installation requirements while sharing the same benefits of accurate temperature detection, fast thermal response(< 3 s) , corrosion resistance, and long-term stability. They can be used to measure either water or flue gas temperature to help the controller to increase the heat or to lower temperature.

(a) Short thermal response time in water and easy to screw-in design make the NTC temperature sensor an ideal solution for pipe fluid temperature detection and control. The temperature sensor assembled in a nickel plated brass cap with a G 1/8'' thread, washer and connector, is easy to install.

(b) The small-diameter sensing top design optimizes the response time and is ideal for detecting flue gases in gas boiler. The NTC sensor is assembled in a 316 stainless steel housing with a thread, O-ring and connector for fast and simple installation.

(c) The NTC temperature sensor is with a fast respnse and comes with push-fit mounting design, which offers an installation alternative to screw-in design.

(d) To optimize the thermal response time (< 2 s), the fast response NTC sensor is placed at the small-diameter tip of the 316 stainless steel case. The sensor can be customized with a brass nut or a clip for best fit your mounting requirement. The fast response sensor is perfect for detecting water temperature in gas combi boilers and instant water heaters to ensure user safety during hot shower.

1. NTC Temperature Sensor for Boilers (Surface Contact Type)

To measure the temperature of flow and return pipes, THINKING recommends the clip-on surface mounting temperature sensor with high moisture resistance and high accuracy. The NTC sensor placed in the tip of a small diameter brass housing enables thermal coupling to the metal pipe and thus improves response time (< 2s). The rugged spring clip is very easy to install and it allows the sensor to be secured easily to pipes. The clips are available in 13, 15, 18, 22 to 28 mm diameters to fit various pipes. The sensor with a single clip is also available to meet different installation requirement.

1. NTC Temperature Sensor for Boilers
(Flanged Type)

The NTC temperature sensor is assembled in a 316 stainless steel housing with heat-resistant lead wire that allows the sensor to withstand a high temperature of 250°C. It responds fast to temperature fluctuation and is ideal for measuring flue gas temperature. The flange design allows simple and stable screw-on installation.

2. NTC Temperature Sensor for Underfloor Heating

For houses that incorporate hydronic underfloor heating, the water is heated to a warm temperature from the boiler and circulates in a set of plastic pipes. A temperature sensor is usually mounted under the floor surface to help control the room temperature. We recommend the use of epoxy coating type NTC temperature sensor (NTSE series) with lead wire because it is double insulated and resists to moisture. The lengths of the cable can be customized to fit the application specification.




●  TVA系列是專為吸收雷擊產生的高浪湧能量而設計的壓敏電阻。此系列產品有多種產品形式和尺寸,並提供廣泛的高抑制浪湧電流能力。

●   TVT系列則是帶有熱耦合熔斷器的熱保護型壓敏電阻。當頻繁的過電壓使得壓敏電阻產生過熱情況時,熱保護型壓敏電阻的熱熔斷器就會將壓敏電阻與電路斷開,防止電路板上其他元件或壓敏電阻損壞。TVT系列提供2引腳或3引腳類型,其中第三個引腳具備了監控作用,能為被保護的設備提高可靠性。
●  TVR系列為興勤的標準插件型壓敏電阻,提供寬廣的電壓範圍與高抑制浪湧電流能力。











由於直流充電樁涉及交流電與直流電的轉換,電源模組中使用較多的功率半導體元件如MOSFET、IGBT。這些功率半導體元件在運作過程中會產生熱能,因此,在其運作期間,需要溫度傳感器監測其溫度,以防止結溫(transistor junction temperature)過高。採用NTC溫度傳感器監測半導體器件的溫度,能幫助確保這些敏感、高價的半導體電子元件最佳運作溫度。


2. 通訊與觸控介面

設置於商場、辦公建築、公路休息區的公共交流充電樁或直流充電樁,通常具有通訊、觸控與顯示功能的人機界面,而這些介面可能受到靜電放電ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)的威脅,使用者觸碰觸控螢幕而產生的靜電突波,可能對IC電路造成損害。因此,這些介面電路需要結合強大的ESD靜電抑制方案。LCP系列和ESD TVS是理想的ESD保護器件,具有低電容和反應快速的特性,能夠在不增加電容的情況下抑制快速上升的ESD瞬變電壓,有助於保持訊號完整性。

3. 充電槍




‧ In addition to temperature sensors, THINKING offers a broad line of circuit protection components to protect the latest  appliances. Click here to see more circuit protection recommendations for home appliances.

‧ Most temperature sensor types can be delivered in various shapes and with a wide choice of casing materials, cable lengths, connectors, terminals and mounting features to meet different application needs. Alternative resistance tolerances, R/T characteristics, resistance ratings, and UL recoginized models are available on request. Please contact us to learn more about temperature sensors.